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Method Gel

A new product of the Feeder program are Method gels.

The gels used primarily for feeder and method fishing are characterized by a strong aroma, appetizer additive, large weight and outstanding adhesion. The gels stay on the basket during the cast and upon dropping into water, and even strong currents won't wash them away from the basket. The application of Method gels of various flavors onto the feeder, or method basket, or bait can increase the success of fishing. Available in various colors and flavors. Test each flavor and color with every cast to find the combination best suitable for the given place and time.

Method gélek, melyek erős aromával, nagy súllyal és kiváló tapadási tulajdonságokkal rendelkeznek, koncentráltan a csali környékén fejtik ki hatásukat, az erős áramlatok sem fogják elsodorni a kosár környékéről.
(horogcsalik) 2883-Method gel fokhagyma
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